Saturday, May 2, 2009

Oleh-oleh dari Sobat

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Hmm... entah kenapa akhir-akhir ini saya sering dapet 'oleh-oleh' alias peer dari sobat blogger. Kali ini saya dapet dari sobat ngatmow. Sebelumnya makasih banyak ya atas oleh-olehnya.

Rules-nya :
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!

Questions & Your Answers:
1. The person who tagged you: Ngatmow
2. His/her site's title and url:
3. Date when you were tagged: April 24, 2009
4. Persons you tagged:

1. Donalduck
2. Fales
3. Syaifullah Cahaidir
4. ksatria bergitar
5. [a]gito

Bagi sobat blogger yang dapat peer ini, silakan diambil dan segera dipajang yah! Jangan lupa bagikan ke sobat blogger yang lain.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


  1. hohoho...selamet atas awardna yaaa.....

    semakin banyak award semakin banyak temen dunk...hohoho...

  2. Thanks. Amin. Semoga makin banyak temen :)

  3. Thanks,,, ya Tika.
    Peernya udah aye ambil,,, nanti bakal ditempel dehh dalam blog....

  4. manteeb... makasi ya neng tikung...
    aku bungkus dulu yah...

  5. wah dimana-mana ada award..selamat yah.
